H.O.P.E. Program
Holistic Optimization & Pursuit of Equity
There are many things that improve amputees’ quality of life, however, most are outside of what insurance provides and are resultantly not affordable for most amputees. We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to have access to products and professionals that can help them. Our H.O.P.E. program supports the provision of care packages, holistic goods & services.
Care Packages:Our organization sends customized care packages to ALL new amputees in our program. Products are thoughtfully chosen to promote inspiration, motivation, enhanced mindset, comfort and health.
Holistic Goods & Services: Our organization funds a wide array or products and services for amputees. The list of items we have covered is extensive, truly anything that justifiably improves an amputee’s quality of life is something we will consider funding.
Examples of goods we provide funding for: electric stimulation devices, supplements, sleep tracker watches, accessibility devices like crutches and wheelchairs, alternative pain relief patches/ creams, and much more.
Examples of services we provide funding for: additional physical therapy sessions, mental health counseling, second opinion medical consults, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, reiki, sound healing therapy and much more.
Read a H.O.P.E. story below.