What We Do

We provide customized care for amputees including care packages, peer mentorship, advocacy, holistic care funding, and funding for home services during recovery.

Care Packages

We proudly send care packages around the country containing a variety of vetted products from motivational books, to adaptive fitness equipment, CBD products, wellness supplements, and much more!

Peer Mentorship

Home Services During Transition

You don’t have to face your acquired disability alone. We will connect you with a supportive tribe with similar life experiences.

Funding for Holistic Care

Acquired disabilities are life changing. There are new physical, mental, financial, and emotional challenges. Holistic care items aim to improve all aspects of your wellbeing. These items include, but are not limited to, care packages, fitness equipment, gym memberships, acupuncture, massage, supplements, recreational items and counseling.

Medical Advocacy

Medical appointments can be overwhelming. Without prior knowledge, it’s difficult to know the best decisions for you.

We will help improve your understanding of medical jargon, test results, diagnoses, and treatment plans.

Your home also demands care. We will simplify your transition home by providing assistance through accessibility modifications, housecleaning, meal services, and property maintenance while you recover.

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Help Us Help Others

Your contribution matters. We need your support to continue creating an impact in the disabled community.